Friday, July 9, 2010


Once I hear your voice, a feeling of relief, that everything will be ok in the world, washes over me.
It is like a lightning bolt hits my spine as soon as you say my name, and a blanket of cool water flushes from my head to my toes. Any bad feelings I have had disappear. Your voice soothes me to my core, makes me feel complete.

Best morning I've had in a long time. :)

Friday, July 2, 2010


So today would have been day 7 of the shred for me, but I am skipping today because of really intense knee pain.

Those squats and stuff she has you do are GREAT, you really feel the burn, but if you have weak joints to begin with it really kills you. I can barely walk today and when I bent down to put pots and pans away while doing the dishes, I nearly collapsed in the fetal position from pain in my knees. Ha. Hopefully this day skipped won't put me too far off of the track... but I think if I did the work out I'd end up in the hospital tonight. ;P

Starting to not so much see a difference as feel a difference. I feel stronger from the inside, if that makes sense. My face is looking a bit thinner but thats it. I didn't take any measurements or anything so I don't know if I've lost any inches.

Going to go ice my knees, see ya later :)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I have decided that I want to get in shape. I have spent too much time with the mindset that "I am young and I can lose weight any time I want, so lets be lazy and a pig." My metabolism isn't getting any slower (not that it was fast to begin with ;)). I am doing Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred work out video. Its only like 25 minutes long each day but it WORKS YOU. Its tough. It hurts. But I have read only good reviews from it, so I hope it works. I am also trying to eat healthier and much less, plus I am taking Slim Quick fat burn pills. The pills just make you less hungry is all. Okay, so I should have done this on day one but it is day 4.. oh well. Here are *hopefully* "before pictures of me. My biggest annoyances are my hips, gut, and arms. In 26 days, I will come back here and post pictures again in the same swim suit. Cross your fingers that it works! :)) I am trying to be positive!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Drama is one of the most unnecessary things in life. What does it do? Does it do anything good for anyone? All drama causes is pain for all parties. You only live once, why get bogged down in stuff that is in the past?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A psychologist would have a field day.

I see what it does to you, but it doesn't stop me from wanting to have it, too. Weird, huh? Can't explain it. Don't know if its worth it to worry about it. I guess take things as they come in life, eh?

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Where your mind can be free, and you are surrounded only by purity. This song and video makes me think of you, and our time running through snowy forests. Thank you.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

No Subject.

Who are we
Where are we
When are we
Why are we
Who are we
Where are we
Why why why?
-Muse, Exogenesis Symphony #1

I feel like these lyrics explain so much. We can ask even the most basic questions... like, "Why?" But with no answers. These are questions that will never have answers, but they are questions that will always be asked.