Friday, July 2, 2010


So today would have been day 7 of the shred for me, but I am skipping today because of really intense knee pain.

Those squats and stuff she has you do are GREAT, you really feel the burn, but if you have weak joints to begin with it really kills you. I can barely walk today and when I bent down to put pots and pans away while doing the dishes, I nearly collapsed in the fetal position from pain in my knees. Ha. Hopefully this day skipped won't put me too far off of the track... but I think if I did the work out I'd end up in the hospital tonight. ;P

Starting to not so much see a difference as feel a difference. I feel stronger from the inside, if that makes sense. My face is looking a bit thinner but thats it. I didn't take any measurements or anything so I don't know if I've lost any inches.

Going to go ice my knees, see ya later :)

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