Thursday, January 28, 2010

I Anasazi woman, for reals.

I'm about to bring up an uncomfortable subject, so hold on to your seats. Religion!

This question is for anyone who claims their religion is the one and only true religion ever. How do you know? Do you realize there are hundreds, probably thousands of religions before yours that claim the exact same thing? What would you do if you were wrong?

The ancient Anasazi culture, descendants of the modern day Pueblo Indians, were very advanced for their time period. They had 4, 5, even 6 story buildings... and this is all around 1000 AD. Because their society was growing so large, they had to have leaders. Now, the Anasazi Indians were very concerned with astrology, and believed that the stars would tell the future. They had "priests" who knew how to read the stars (supposedly) and they always predicted that the Chaco Canyon crops would do well and the Anasazi culture would prosper. Now, of course, in all reality, they probably just made it up. It also helps that the area of land that Chaco Canyon (the capital of the Anasazi society) resides on is extremely fertile with wonderful weather. For hundreds of years, they had fantastic crops- more than they could handle! Also, an abundance of animals to hunt. They were living in a paradise, and the priests were being revered as not only religious leaders but political figures as well, governing the city.

Now, what happens when the mini ice age comes, and there is a 5 year drought in Chaco Canyon? There is mayhem. The Anasazi believed these priests knew what they were talking about, and now that there was no rain, the priests couldn't pretend to summon rain and have it come within a few days or weeks. They revolted against their leaders, even turning to cannibalism (that is still discussed today... but lets move on.) They eventually, because of the drought, had to move to a farther away place, and since they were all basically insane from the realization that their religion was a scam, this settlement didn't last long either, and once there was another drought, they left again. Scientists think they heard of a new cult south of Mesa Verde, where they were, and decided to join it. Then no one ever heard of the Anasazi Indians ever again- they disappeared.

Can you imagine if something like this happened in today's world? Just picture it. Lets go with Christianity. So lets pretend the Pope admits that Papacy, Bible, Church, and Christianity as a whole is a scam. There is no heaven or hell, no Jesus. No God. How would the world react when they find out what they believed their whole lives was wrong? Utter chaos. There would probably be mass suicides, genocides, anarchy, you name it. Society would crumble into dust. Some people are so set in their beliefs that they would literally go insane trying to wrap their minds around the fact that they are wrong.

Now, imagine this happening with every single religion in the world except for the one that may be "true". I'm not saying there even is one "true" religion, but just try to conceptualize the ridiculous amount of destruction there would be. Countries would fall. People would die from hunger. Genocide and suicide, like I mentioned. There would be a snowball effect, and eventually nature would get involved and there could be huge weather changes... I could go on and on. You get the idea.

This is why I don't believe there is one right religion. I find it hard to believe in religion, period. History shows that throughout time, religion has been used as a means to control a group of people... I just am not cool with that.

Every time someone tries to shove their beliefs down my throat, I just think of the Anasazi Indians, and I do a sigh of relief that I will not turn out like them.

But if there was no religion, the world would also turn to ruins like this. Religion has been one of the building blocks of every single society of peoples for millions of years. Religion gives one a hope for existing, and it helps explain the mystery of life. It gives one a sense of purpose. We must have religion to survive, but we cannot survive with religion. Quite a paradox. What are we to do? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Until someone comes up with a new idea that hasn't ever been thought of in the history of man, all we can do is sit back and watch.


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