Monday, June 14, 2010

Our ancient heroes, they are turning to dust

HAI BLOG! Yeah I've been gone a while. School, bla bla bla. Now school is over and its summer and I PROMISE to update this more often. :D

I just got my mercer email today... it makes me really sad to be leaving SMU. I love SMU and I always will. I will miss the people the most though. Some of the friends I made at SMU I could never make anywhere else- they are so fantastic and unique. No matter different schools, Carrie will always be my best friend. I can't even begin to describe the wonderful impact she has made in my life since we have been friends... even thinking about not being in school with her makes me want to cry. No lesbo. Just you know, long orchestra rehearsals and how every day we would get a cliff bar and energy drink from 7-11 beforehand to keep us awake (and hyper!), and double dating with the marines, and shopping even though we didn't have any money... the list goes on. Yeah, I'm gonna miss her...

There has been so much on my mind lately and I will definitely let it all out on this blog, but first I need to organize my thoughts. Until then-

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